Brad Rogers for Elkhart County Commissioner - District 2 - Republican Candidate - Vote Rogers in May 2020
“As many of you already know, the State of Indiana under the direction of Governor Eric Holcomb has decided to postpone the Indiana Primary Election. It has been moved from May 5th, 2020 to a new date of June 2nd, 2020.
This unprecedented move is due to the continued threat of COVID-19. I am in full agreement with this decision. This may cause some upheaval in political circles, however, I believe that the decision is in the best interests of voters here in Elkhart County and throughout the State.
Also, the following recommendations were made to the Indiana Election Commission;
  •  Suspend absentee by-mail rules to allow all Hoosiers the option to vote by mail in the upcoming primary election.
  • Allow county clerks to continually mail ballots from now through 12 days out from the new primary election date.
  • Confirm ballots with a May 5, 2020 date will be valid.
  • Enable medical professionals to be eligible members of traveling boards to vote nursing home and hospital patients.
  • Give family members the ability to deliver absentee ballots. Currently, only a member of a voter’s household may take possession of their ballot.
A note regarding COVID-19 itself – As a former Scoutmaster and as a continued advocate of emergency preparedness, I encourage ongoing mental and physical preparedness for times of crisis. These times are different than many of us have ever experienced. It is within these experiences that the individual affirms the lesson of “Be Prepared.” If you are only beginning to gather supplies when the storm is upon us, it’s often too late. Be brave, adapt, and overcome as we move ahead, and we will see you on the campaign trail on the other side of this virus. I encourage everyone throughout these times to remember the scout slogan, ‘do a good turn daily’.”
– Brad Rogers, Republican Candidate for Elkhart County Commissioner, District 2

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